March 4 2019Your body relies on food for energy, so it’s normal to feel hungry if you don’t eat for a few hours. But if your stomach has a constant rumble, even after a meal, something could be going on with your health.”Polyphagia” is the medical term for extreme hunger, and it can be a sign that...
Read more February 14 2019Slow? Fast? Important? Irrelevant? We break down the facts on the ultimate weight-loss buzzword: metabolism. Your metabolism is a complex system. It determines how quickly and efficiently your body burns calories and how much you can eat in a day without putting on weight. Scientists are still gaining new insight into the factors that make...
Read more February 8 2019Nutrition pros break down the guidelines for pre- and post-workout eating, so you can maximise the benefits of your sweat session. When it comes to fuelling your workout, experts are in complete agreement—failing to do it properly before and after is a major mistake. “The right nutrition can be your secret strategy to being a...
Read more February 7 2019There are so many good reasons to make healthy snacking a part of your weight loss plan. Wholesome nibbles can help you stay satisfied between meals, making you less likely to feel ravenous and overeat or indulge in unhealthy temptations. A healthy snack can also quell cravings and ward off feelings of deprivation, helping you ignore...
Read more January 31 2019A tray of muffins in the work meeting. That tub of ice cream that stares you down every time you open the freezer. There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself once in a while – but with the insane amount of temptations most of us face on any given day, indulging in them all would mean...
Read more January 24 2019Of course, said your mum, as she dutifully stuck to her diet of cottage cheese-filled rockmelon halves and cabbage soup. And though she might’ve been right about everything else, she was wrong about this one. We’ve all heard that thing about how cutting back on calories causes your appetite to reset. And how over time,...
Read more January 17 2019When it comes to deciding what to cook and eat, many of us can get overwhelmed quickly. Whether it’s on social media, television or even on food packaging itself, we’re constantly bombarded with complex and often conflicting advice about what we should be eating. But it doesn’t have to be this hard. Good food should...
Read more December 11 2018Food cravings can really pack a wallop. A desire for red meat may come on so strong that you veer off the highway in search of a burger joint. Or perhaps all you can think about is a homemade brownie. But it turns out these impulses are sometimes more than simple urges—they can also offer intel about what your body...
Read more November 30 2018While 40 may feel like the new 30, there’s one truth about reaching the fourth decade of your life that’s a bit of a buzzkill: It becomes far more challenging to maintain a flat belly. As we age, we lose muscle mass, which causes our metabolism to slow. And as a result, it becomes harder to ward...
Read more October 18 2018Plus, how to add more of the B vitamin to your diet. There’s a reason pregnant women are always told to load up on folate: getting enough of the vitamin helps prevent neural tube, brain, or spinal cord defects in babies. But folate isn’t just important for those who have a little one on the...
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