August 21 2022 Most people don’t think about their bones until they have a fracture or until they reach older age. However, bones are living tissue, constantly in a state of renewal, so building and maintaining bones is a lifelong matter. This year’s initiative held from 21-27 August encourages Australians to think about their bone health. Primary...
Read more August 8 2022Think F.A.S.T., act FAST During National Stroke Week 2022, we are celebrating the precious moments that you or your loved one’s can continue to enjoy during and after your recovery. Help others to keep enjoying precious moments too by sharing the F.A.S.T. (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) signs of stroke message with your family and friends. If...
Read more July 1 2022Dry July is a fundraiser that encourages you to go alcohol-free in July to raise funds for people affected by cancer. The funds you raise as part of your Dry July will provide invaluable services for cancer patients, their families and carers – whether it’s a lift to a life-saving appointment, guidance from a specialist...
Read more June 7 2022June is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month. Let’s raise awareness of Australia’s second deadliest cancer. Bowel cancer claims the lives of 101 Australians every week (5,255 people a year) – but it’s one of the most treatable types of cancer if found early. While the risk of bowel cancer increases significantly with age, the disease doesn’t...
Read more June 1 2022Migraine Awareness Month (MAM) is a global event held in June each year. The aim is to raise awareness of migraine, reduce the stigma that migraine is ‘just a headache’ and promote a positive and empowering view of migraine and the migraine community. The theme for MAM2022 is ‘Out of the Dark’. With over 5 million Australians living with migraine, we feel...
Read more May 23 2022Exercise for the Right Reasons. This Exercise Right Week, let us aim to encourage all Australians to be more active and to know where to get the right advice when it comes to moving more. This year’s theme is Exercise for the Right Reasons. Why? Because a lot of the dialog in the health and fitness industry turns exercise into a...
Read more May 3 2022World Asthma Day (WAD) ( 3 May, 2022) is organized by the Global Initiative for Asthma, (GINA), a World Health Organization collaborative organization founded in 1993. WAD is held each May to raise awareness of Asthma worldwide. Although asthma cannot be cured, it is possible to manage asthma to reduce and prevent asthma attacks, also...
Read more April 24 2022Long Life for All In pursuit of a long life well lived VACCINES PROVIDE EVERYONE A CHANCE AT A FULFILLING LIFE. For more than two centuries, vaccines have helped keep people healthy—from the very first vaccine developed to protect against smallpox to the newest vaccines used to prevent severe cases of COVID-19. Since...
Read more April 11 2022April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month, and Monday 11th April is World Parkinson’s Day. During this month, Parkinson’s Australia is promoting the importance of identifying some of the lesser-known early warning signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s. Often people only associate Parkinson’s with a tremor of the hands, trouble moving or walking and loss of balance. However, it...
Read more March 21 2022World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) , 21 March, is a global awareness day which has been officially observed by the United Nations since 2012. The date for WDSD being the 21st day of the 3rd month, was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome. Down...
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