April 24 2018The flu is a highly contagious viral infection that can cause severe illness and life-threatening complications, including pneumonia. The flu is spread by contact with fluids from coughs and sneezes. It is estimated that flu contributes to over 3,000 deaths in Australia each year. The “swine flu” virus – also known as influenza A (H1N1) – emerged in...
Read more April 16 2018One of the worst things to have during vacation is Traveller’s Diarrhoea (TD). This illness is said to be caused by a sudden change in surrounding and eating habit. Research has proven that is not the case. A bacteria present in the body is at fault. Depending on the location of your vacation the chances...
Read more November 7 2017If you travel on a regular basis, whether if it’s for work or pleasure, you’ll know how hard it is to stay committed to your health and fitness goals. So here are four tips to help you stay healthy while traveling: 1. Research Take the time to research places to go and eat before you arrive...
Read more September 11 2017Hepatitis A is an illness that causes inflammation to your liver. It’s caused by a virus that’s spread through: person-to-person contact consuming contaminated food, drinks or ice eating from or licking contaminated utensils. The illness may last only a few weeks, but some people are seriously ill for up to six months. Hepatitis A usually...
Read more August 26 2017Flu contributes to an estimated 3,000 deaths in Australia each year. The flu is a highly contagious viral infection that can cause severe illness and life-threatening complications, including pneumonia. The flu is spread by contact with fluids from coughs and sneezes. The most common symptoms of the flu are sudden high fever, a dry cough,...
Read more July 27 2017Looking for the best ways to maximize your workout? Want better results in less time? From full body circuits and plyometrics to HIIT, there are plenty of workouts that can be completed in minutes. Most of them require no equipment and can be done anywhere. They are just as effective as traditional gym workouts. The...
Read more February 2 2017Choosing a sunscreen can be tricky, especially when the market is flooded with products to compare. Here is some information to consider and get you started on finding the right product for you! We often hear people say ‘The sunscreen in my moisturiser or makeup lasts all day’. What you may not know is, this...
Read more March 3 2014Heading overseas? Congratulations! Travel is an experience money buys that can actually make you richer. Before you go, make sure you get the right travel advice for your health and safety. It’s important to take care of your health when you travel so you can enjoy your time away and return healthy, happy and refreshed (just as you...
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