December 4 2017Here are 7 simple at-home workouts, many of which can be done in less than 20 minutes. Indoor cycling If you love logging kilometres on the open road, consider setting up your bike in your living room. You can put your favourite TV show or movie on the TV and pedal away. The most common...
Read more December 2 2017Oxygen is a vital element for our survival. The body’s ability to harness it and utilize it determines the overall health of a person. Apricots Apricots are rich in Vitamin A. Vitamin A is a great sustains the linings of the respiratory tract which then results to the lowering of the risk of infections in the...
Read more November 29 2017It’s not the amount of fat in your body but where it’s stored that may increase your risk for heart attack, stroke, and diabetes, according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America. Researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital recruited 200 people and looked at the differences in fat...
Read more November 28 2017As much as 60% of your body is made up of water and when you work out, you can lose quite a bit. Drinking water helps with the functioning of the joints and body tissues, the regulation of body temperature, and the transportation of nutrients. But some of us don’t drink enough. Here’s how to get...
Read more November 27 2017You know sitting’s no good for your health, but there’s not much you can do about your sedentary desk job. The whole 10,000-steps-a-day thing seems like a pretty lofty goal anyway, since that much walking amounts to traversing roughly 8 kilometres daily. And for many of us, it is a lofty goal: Back in 2010, research showed our...
Read more November 25 2017Let’s face it: Grocery and convenience stores are full of chemical- and sugar-laced foods we should never eat but that make up a surprisingly large portion of most people’s regular diet. People frequently ask which foods are the worst and make us the fattest. Here are 10 of the worst foods you may be eating, ordered...
Read more November 24 2017The lining of your nose should be moist all of the time. Otherwise, it may become prone to cracking, which is something that can lead to discomfort and bleeding. If you are prone to allergies or sensitive to weather or seasonal changes, then you know how much of a pain in the neck it really...
Read more November 23 2017 For people who experience migraines, certain foods, strong perfumes, flickering lights, and weather changes and other environmental factors can set off an attack. But not everyone has the same triggers, and not every time—and that makes the migraine trigger a frustrating prey to hunt down. There is, however, general agreement about the most common...
Read more November 20 2017Boost and energy and build muscles by eating these nutrient-dense foods. Hard-boiled eggs One large egg packs 6g of protein. Try boiling a batch together and storing in the fridge. It is an easy snack to pack for your after-workout. Precooked quinoa It has 8g of complete protein per cup, delivering all nine of the...
Read more November 16 2017Most of us have experienced hiccups, an uncomfortable, sometimes embarrassing, but usually short-lived experience. But sometimes hiccups persist for a long period of time and can be a sign of serious underlying disease. Hiccups are bursts of inspiratory (breathing in) activity. The muscles we use when we take in a breath are the intercostal muscles...
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