March 15 202113-20 March 2021 is Coeliac Disease Awareness Week! There are various symptoms, associated medical conditions and a genetic link that may indicate you are at an increased risk of having coeliac disease. Untreated coeliac disease can cause chronic ill health and lead to liver disease, osteoporosis, other autoimmune illnesses and cancer. A diagnosis of coeliac...
Read more March 26 2020Prepare to Strengthen Your Immune System With the recent coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, many people are concerned about staying healthy and maintaining a healthy immune system. Doing so can benefit your body and boost your defences against viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. Here are some of the top immunity boosters tips to help you and your...
Read more March 20 2020What is a coronavirus and COVID-19? Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses known to cause respiratory infections. These can range from the common cold to more serious diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). This new coronavirus originated in Hubei Province, China and the disease caused by...
Read more March 19 2020Identify the different symptoms you may experience if you have coronavirus (COVID-19), a cold, or the flu. — PATIENTS: Please be advised we are unable to test for coronavirus due to having exhausted our supply of testing equipment and protective clothing. We are waiting on urgent resupply of this and at this point DO NOT...
Read more March 12 2020What you need to know People who have returned from a country or region that is at high or moderate risk for COVID-19 should monitor their health closely. If you develop symptoms including a fever and cough you should isolate yourself immediately and urgently seek medical attention. Go to for the list of...
Read more December 9 2019Heart symptoms may not always be explicit so do not ignore any potential cardiac warning signs. Some warning signs not to ignore include: shortness of breath, heartburn, muscle soreness, painful hiccups, neck or upper back pain, or other symptoms discussed in this slide show. People with known heart disease or significant risk factors such as...
Read more December 2 2019 There are so many unfavourable symptoms of arthritis, and joint stiffness is just one of those. This particular problem tends to make its presence known especially in the morning after immobilisation of the affected joints for several hours while the individual is in dreamland. As they say, one should start the day right. But...
Read more November 25 2019Statistics show that people who successfully lose 10 kilos – and keep it off – don’t diet. Here’s how they do it. Don’t cut out food groups. Don’t eliminate carbs, dairy or other foods. Instead, try reducing portion size, eat more whole foods (which help you feel full for longer) and save refined or sugary foods for small treats. Do...
Read more November 13 2019“Two-thirds of what determines how well we age comes from nongenetic factors – as in, our everyday behaviours,” says psychiatrist Dr Gary Small. In Small’s poll of more than 18,000 people across the country, those with healthier habits – a balanced diet, regular exercise – reported fewer memory complaints. And he has found that when...
Read more October 28 2019Taking care of heart health is something all of us should be mindful of and thankfully as more and more health research is undertaken, we are discovering which diets and foods can be the most beneficial. More recently, greater attention is being paid to a predominately plant-based diet in terms of reducing risk of cardiovascular...
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