August 28 20181 in 3 adults are pre-diabetic. Could you be one of them? Chances are, you think you’d be able to spot the signs you were at serious risk of getting sick. Thing is, you really might not. More than 2 million Australians are pre-diabetic, yet 90 percent of them have no idea. That’s a problem, because...
Read more August 22 2018A faster metabolism means quicker weight loss. But how easy is it? Your metabolism is essentially your body’s engine. And your metabolic rate is the rate at which your body burns kilojoules. Your body uses up kilojoules even for simple things like breathing and pumping blood. Such basic bodily functions are what we call your...
Read more August 6 2018Diabetes is one of the leading cause deaths in the world. It is a disease that can affect everybody. Even the people that are less likely to acquire it. People that exercise every day or have a healthy body weight can still acquire it from maintaining negative habits. Staying up late or struggling to fall...
Read more August 2 2018Gallstones are twice as common in women as men. They are made from cholesterol and bilirubin, which are components of bile within the gallbladder. When these components aggregate, they form stones. The size of gallstones can vary from pebble sized grainy stones up to one large hard stone. Both specific foods and lifestyle factors influence...
Read more July 27 2018Tinnitus affects 1 in 10 Australians – that’s over 2,000,000 of us. A ringing, swishing, or other noise in the ears or head when no external sound is present is called tinnitus. Usually, it’s more of a nuisance than a serious medical problem. In rare cases, it can be a sign of an underlying medical...
Read more July 23 2018Research hasn’t shown that migraines are the cause of any other medical conditions. But they are linked to a number of ailments. The link may be stronger if you have aura — symptoms that come before your migraine. They can include flashes of light, blind spots, or tingling in your hands or face. What conditions have ties...
Read more July 4 2018A headache can come in many different forms. Something that involves sharp pains can be one of the most terrifying of the bunch. Unfortunately, at times determining the reason behind sharp head pains is not the easiest thing to do because of the fact that its causes can be varied, ranging from benign to very...
Read more June 21 2018What is sepsis, and how is it different from a regular infection? Most of us think that sepsis is a type of infection. But it’s technically a condition that occurs when the body launches an extreme response to an infection-bacterial, viral, or fungal-that you already have. “It’s not a disease caused by a specific agent,”...
Read more June 5 2018About the disease Meningococcal disease is an acute bacterial infection that can cause death within hours if not recognised and treated in time. In Australia there are 5 main strains of the disease, all of which now have vaccinations available from your doctor. *Note that the C-strain vaccine available through Australia’s free National Immunisation Program...
Read more May 17 2018Your knees are the largest joints in your body for a reason you need them for practically everything you do. And as a result, they endure a whole lot of abuse. Knee pain is common among people of all ages. Knee pain can come with crunching, popping, swelling, or instability (or, if you’re extra unlucky,...
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