January 7 2019We all know we should exercise regularly, but it can be difficult to fit exercise into our busy schedules. Most people can only exercise before or after work, so it’s worth examining whether the time of day we exercise affects outcomes such as weight loss and sleep. To understand why the timing of exercise might...
Read more January 4 2019Your thyroid is responsible for releasing hormones that control a huge amount of your bodily functions—it plays a role in regulating your mood, your weight, your fertility, and more. So you can imagine that when your thyroid is not working, you may experience a range of unwanted side effects. To keep it humming along, you can add foods...
Read more January 3 2019Let’s talk about poop—seriously. It’s something we’ve talked about before, so chances are, you already know what healthy bowel movements are supposed to look like. But what about the way you go No. 2—how long it takes, how often you go, how you sit on the toilet…you get the idea. We consulted a few trusty gastroenterologists to get the...
Read more December 27 2018Goji berries, aloe vera, linseed. All are claimed to be ‘superfoods’. But what’s so super about them? Are they really that beneficial? We list the top 10 superfoods – and they’re more common than you think… Many foods, such as soy, berries and avocados, have jumped to nutritional stardom over the last few decades. Their popularity...
Read more December 21 2018 Heart Woes Thanks to more education about healthy eating and advancements in treatment, fewer people die of heart disease than in the past. That said, clogged heart arteries are still the number-one cause of death in the United States. Although heart attack symptoms can be a scary first sign of trouble (and keep in mind women have...
Read more December 20 2018Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is not right. Did you know that it is possible for you to experience pain away from or near the actual source of the problem? This is what’s called “referred pain” in the world of medicine. Also sometimes known as reflective pain, no one really...
Read more December 19 2018It’s natural for your weight to fluctuate during the year. Maybe you eat a bit too much during the holidays and gain a bit of weight, or you come down with the stomach flu and end up dropping a kilo or two-a slight swing on the scale is normal and nothing to worry about. But...
Read more December 13 2018With constant technological pings, a heavy workload, an ambitious workout schedule, and a busy social calendar, it’s no wonder you’re always tired and tempted to hit the snooze button every. single. morning. You’re not alone. Aiming for eight hours of shuteye is a great start to tame the tiredness, of course, but that’s not always...
Read more December 12 2018If there’s one good thing about skin cancer, it’s that you can spot it yourself-if you know what to look for. And the easier you can find skin cancer, the sooner you can seek treatment. The Cancer Council recommends developing a regular habit of checking your own skin for any changes. Don’t rush through this=do it when...
Read more December 10 2018You have arthritis pain, and the inflammation in your joints causes your fingers to swell up and resemble little sausages. Or maybe you’ve chowed down a salty meal, and now your wedding ring is stuck on your finger. Should you freak out? Probably not. Fingers swell for a lot of reasons-many of them harmless-but sometimes...
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