February 5 2018If you’re ever wondering what causes heart attacks, look no further than your kitchen and your bathroom. A bacon cheeseburger fetish topped with a couch potato mentality is a surefire recipe for a heart attack. But those obvious bad choices aren’t the only things taking a toll on your ticker. Scientists discovering surprising new heart attack...
Read more February 2 2018And one really good reason why ignoring it is no longer an option. Belly fat is maligned for its way of tampering with any outfit that doesn’t involve a muumuu, but really there’s something way worse about the stuff: When white fat expands in your abdomen, nestling deep among your organs, it sets you up...
Read more January 29 2018One of the worst feelings a person can experience is putting a lot of effort into something without seeing results. When hard work in working out does not pay off, fatigue is doubled and motivation is lost. Below is the list of some reasons why you are not getting stronger. Improper Technique Improper methods will only lead to more injuries....
Read more January 25 2018Loving your liver is pretty easy when you know how. Here are our top 12 tips you can follow every day for good liver health. 1. Maintain a healthy weight It’s estimated that 60% of Australians are overweight or obese. And of those classed as obese, approximately 30% will have fatty liver disease, putting them...
Read more January 20 2018Calories aren’t always the culprit. You’ve hit the gym with the same exact frequency for months. You’ve eaten the same cinnamon oatmeal for breakfast, spinach salad for lunch, and standard protein for dinner since summer (with the occasional happy hour added in—no change in frequency there.) Yet somehow, maddeningly, the number on the scale continues...
Read more January 13 2018If these stats don’t inspire you to make healthier choices, we’re not sure what will! Many committed exercisers assume that regularly indulging in desserts or fried food won’t expand their waistline. They’re burning off a tonne of kilojoules during their workouts, after all. While that may be true for marathon runners or professional athletes, that’s...
Read more January 12 2018Most people live in a fast-paced world, always in a rush with barely enough time to carefully follow a healthy diet. As a result, we mindlessly stuff our bodies with foods that cause a lot of harm and put pressure on our organs. It might be working for now, but it will definitely come back to haunt us one day. Here is a list of healthy foods you can easily incorporate into your daily...
Read more January 11 2018Brown rice is often a go-to suggestion as a healthy grain alternative choice, especially today, with gluten-free being a popular dietary recommendation. Yes, it is gluten-free, and easy to find, to boot. So what’s the problem? Digestive issues come in many shapes and sizes, with gluten being just one ingredient on the do-not-eat list that...
Read more January 10 2018Summer temps are soaring, which probably means your energy level is at an all-time low—and your household energy use is at an all-time high. Cranking up the AC helps, but that only works if you’re at home and don’t mind getting an outrageous bill at the end of the month. If you’re trying to cut...
Read more January 8 2018Eat to stay sharper, right this minute and for years down the road. Brighten Up Your Plate Colorful vegetables and fruits—such as leafy greens, peppers, beets, and berries—are high in carotenoids and anthocyanins, antioxidant pigments that provide their bright hues. “Antioxidants protect brain cell linings from the damage caused by free radicals, which are harmful...
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